Most of our assignments range from €1500 to €7500.
We charge out our time on the basis of €80 per developer hour or €600 per day.
If we are revamping an existing website we will usually try to use much of the existing content and structure in order to keep costs to a minimum.
Time is the biggest cost element although there are costs associated with site specific software, domain registration and hosting.
The activities required as part of the development process may include:
a) Client meetings & discussions
b) Logo Design
c) Initial Layout & Design Preparation
d) Site Preparation on Test Site
e) Design of Standard Pages
f) Testing on Different Devices & Adjustments required
g) Testing on Different Browsers & Adjustments required
h) Content Transfer from old site to new
i) Client training on the Content Management System
j) Post launch activities relating to Social Media Integration, Optimisation for Google and Website Security
k) Dealing with Snag List items
We pay close attention to the finer details and keep working on a website design until we’re sure it looks and feels right.
Our work will sometimes go through 4 or 5 internal revisions before we are happy to show it to the customer and more often than not, the client will still want to tweak it a little more.
In most cases our websites pay for themselves within a few months and we know that we give great value for money.
Please get in touch to have a chat about ways we can improve your website.
It probably won’t cost as much as you think!
Unit 2,
12 Hatch Street,
Dublin 2,
01 639 2929