Why Localisation Matters
Recently, we were asked to design a website for the subsidiary of a civil engineering company that specialise in industrial chimney demolition. They were eager to reach the widest possible audience by making their website available to a European market. As such, their question to us was ‘how can you help us achieve our goal’?
Localisation! we all cheered at once. It’s all about making your business look and feel like it was designed especially for each and every one of your target markets wherever they might be located.
The chimney demolition company had designed and developed an innovative and exciting new way to tackle the challenges of dismantling huge industrial stacks that would appeal to interested parties all over Europe. Our clients knew they could lead the market with their product and, after seeing a video of these guys at work, so did we. Now it was just a matter of researching the nuances of each target market and arming ourselves with as much local knowledge and expert translations as we could find.
During our research we discovered some really interesting facts and statistics that helped us realise just how important website localisation is when it comes to achieving higher company revenues. Two interesting websites we discovered were www.gala-global.org and www.qualifax.ie (especially for Irish businesses). We recommend you hop right over there for a good read – but if, like us, your up-to-your-eyes busy and don’t have the time to surf on over, then we’ve put together a quick infographic to share some of their more interesting facts and figures.